Life surprising us..
Mi amor, i'm so proud of you...
Today i was so happy to realize your little won battles, i know life has been hard and difficult in many times askim and it had tested you, but even in your fragility you has shown the strenght inside you and in some ocassions like this, when the life lets you, you are showing what you are made..
In that new station of your life, i just want to wish you all the success and the necessary graces to face and handle everything and to go on improving your own skills and capabilities. God is who provides everything to us and He'll give you what you need to overcome successfully each new situation in your life.
Remember how so happy i am to follow your little steps.., to see you in that way with faith, hopes and dreams, it's one of the best things for me. To see you in that way it puts always a smile in my face..
Congratulations my little, i've always knew you are the best !