domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Who was your soul, to be inside you and feel in the way you feel,
to understand the way you are silent, to conquer the limits of your heart
To look through the universe in your eyes and discover that, if they look at me,
something in my soul is being healed. You are the cure of my wounds..

Who was a flame, to burn you in my secret love,
if only feelings could be seen, you'd stare at that fire that never ends,
only being increased with my emotion, with the longing of you, forever

Who was your darkness, who was your light..
Who was the time to meet you again, everyday,
for the rest of my life..

So much ways to love you, amor,
there's nothing bigger in my heart, any bad or sad moment, than my love for you
My heart is just like a stone to defend you, not to let that the feelings for you fade away..

¿Who can say where th magic is? I wrote this before..
To me, the magis is this:
the way i feel you
the way i think of you
the way you inspire me
the way when love is not love anymore, if it is not to love you..

You conquered my devotion
you enchained my will

and this magic can not be seen for the human eye,
but only felt in the heart of who knows how to love

"Dance out to the moon with me my love, as we did in those golden days"
when distance was nothing, and love was enough to make us feel alive

How to ask to the appasionate heart to stop loving you?
not to be passionate, not to give itself in each time..
How to ask to love to stop loving you?
wanting to feel it totally, without breaking the soul..
the sour without sweet, ain't sweet..

Only for what has been suffered, is what worths it to fight for..

If you could enter to my silence, you'd understand my looks
If you could look beyond my distance, you'd knew i dont want to be alone..
Not without you, not without your love..

In the freedom of choice, I want you to be my destiny
in the only reasons of my heart, my love wants it to be true..

::I just love you till the death::

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