martes, 7 de junio de 2011

CAE 10.10.10

I can not understand the different ways of our heart when we dont look at each other, to see the love and the sweetness beyond the storm into the lovely tale.. how is that we tear away one by one of our dreams, hopes,
plans and projects together, of a love that we have builded with many efforts, so much love and tenderness, but also with many tears and sufferings.A n endless love story..

Since i met you, i have offered to your name the most beauty feelings that were available into my soul,  i gave my biggest longing to meet you and be to your side , to live each day near to you, to feel your tenderness, your love, your sweet words, to share your moments of joy, sadness,loneliness, of incomprehension to the world and its difficulties, to be with you in the high hours of the early night that invaded you space, when everything in your room was darkness and shadows, and just the light of our talkings lit your night and my day in drecrease.

I dreamt to share your looks and smilings.. that wide and spontaneous smile that leads me to another horizons and makes me longing what is beautiful and pure, desire to retain in that moment your face just to perceive that beauty instant of your smile caressing the air and the time, swinging soft and slowly above my pupils so full of you, glowing and    totally in love.

Let me hear that voice of yours that is so soft and clear, so convincing and unique that shudder my being  when is touched by your words, by every one of the sounds that emanate from your mouth. Your laugh.. your laugh is the most perfect song ever heard by my ears, its sound can makes me forget all the pain and the sadness together, fills my heart of joy and feed each one of the doors of my soul. Your laugh is the purest and fresh laugh out from the lips of a child, product of his wonder to the little beauty things of the world, hungry  of that happiness that is pursues with the golden rays of the sun, with the fresh breeze swinging the flower's bottoms of the green grass..

Is water that keeps thirsty my mouth, a echo that remains when the silence has gone and brings me that marvel of that symphony of yours. I love you, i dont want to loose you. I felt necessity of you since my eyes
contemplated your image and i felt the warmth and purity of your heart flowed.

I didn't meet any soul that had imprisoned my heart to its existence. Every detail, every rose given with the most beautiful words, each look of intense innocense and candor, every tear, every unspoken wound,  each
palpable effort, every i love you, every life of mine, fill my heart, made it dependient on you, a son of yours that born in the entrails of your love, a flower whose fruits will come to you in the sublime smell of the fresh ground and the prettiest stars.
In you grew up my soul, with you my spirit made strong, in you my old wounds were rewarded, for you is that each tear has name and heroic rationale.
I don't care to cry all of the tears i dont have anymore because of you, these tears that as little crystals fell down of my eyes, were full of feelings of you, of words spoken by you, of looks and smiles, goodbye and
silence, of intense moments when i believed to loose you and i cried till the abysm, till find myself face to face with a silent pillow that just heard my broken whisper.

That same pillow that embraced me to the ovlibion and made me belong to the dream after my bitter crying, a dream where many times i found you  and took your hand, where you were more mine than yours, where your eyes where my reflex and your arms my hug.

That same pillow that i told so many plans and dreams, the same that i said that u were mine and will be the father of my child, that same pillow where i prayed with many tears in the eyes to belong to each other, to want me to build a life with you, far from the world and ourselves.. where in my lonely and soft hand i deposited smooth kisses that simulated your mouth, where i closed my eyes to imagine your body near mine and almost touching you, almost kissing you with this, my desperate lips.

A night i said goodbye, and from my eyes sprang the heartfelt tears to lose the beloved one, imagine all of you so far from me forever.. unbearable thought that was hurting each one of the breath that fill me of a sad air, rarefied.
When newly to my eyes your face came,and those eyes that i could not forget, were looking at me as you did, with so deep sadness, sincerely longing and full of doubts.. my soul shuddered, i desired to hold you, run to your side, say that i love you.
I dont forget your effort and the love that you gave me in those moments, to let me come back to your idyllic love, open your arms to me again, give me with your smile a welcome, to be yours again, to be yours again..

You are the precious gift that life made to me, a palpable miracle, you are dreamy eyes and smile of child, you are behind that tenderness and ffection, a man who loves and passionates, that cares and gives me shelter.. you're my biggest tenderness that makes me feel as your mother, as the son i haven't had, and at the same time you're also the passion that makes my body trembles of love and desire.
You are water and fire that floods my heart in so different blasts of emotions whose i dont control, a wild and desperate wave, agonizing of new feelings, unrepeatable, intense, mad and full of you and us.
Your skin is the clearest cloth above which hundreds of poems will carve their kisses, your skin is ornament that will cover faces with smiles and clear tears.

Delicate parchment where will rest my kisses all, where i'll furrow vehement each pore, every line of your naked skin with my lips on fire.Above your arms i'll build my love bed and the etermal home of my unconditionally love, which dont bind, dont oppress.. it let you free in the freedom of believe and longing your own dreams, to build yourself the path floods of your dreams, that you can walk on the way that you had traced.

That you can smile and be immensely happy with what you had chosen, that you can called yourself as complete and throbbing, and the light green of your eyes that i adore, wakes up with the first ray of the dawn, in one more of the wonderfull days that'll fill your life.

I love you against fate and myself, against the sadness and the anger that also spy, i love you when im sad and helpless, when i cant find support and any hand to hold mine; i love you when my words are winged and carries fire, when i know that i can hurt you and im also hurt.. when the temperament is red and the blood boils; i love you when my waters are gentle and quiet, and you can navigate delicious, perfectly in this full river of love. I love you when night comes and i desire my head on your shoulder, when the shadows falls and i'd want two bodies in just one, so harmonious and together that be impossible to find out of each other..

I love you when morning brights and your memory is a prayer going to the heaven with  the spirit of love, becoming our souls in the perfect love to cover each other.

Love Never Dies, Love is You ♥ ..

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